(Brilliant 360° Coffee Technology)
Becsi utca 28
9400 Sopron
Repesented by:
Brilliant 360° Coffee Technology
Phone: +43 677 620007 64
E-Mail: coffee@brilliant-360.com
Website: http://brilliant-360.com/
Registered in the commercial register
Registrationnumber: 26733470-2-08
Responsible court: District court of Sopron
Disclaimer of liability
Responsibility of content
The content of our website where precisely where created with the greatest care. But we can still not guarantee that the content is actual, reliable nor complete. According to the legal regulations we are responsible for the self-created content. In this context we would like to make it clear that we are not responsible for information provided or collected by third parties. We do not control the information that is sent, nor do we trace any illegal information Activities. If illegal activities are found, we follow our obligation block or delete relevant content.
Responsibility for links
The responsibility for the content of third party links (external content) is the responsibility of the respective party Website operator. At the time the links used were inserted on our pages, no illegal activities were found in these. As soon as we become aware of illegal activities or violations, we will remove the corresponding link.
Our websites and their content (texts, photos, graphics, design) are subject to copyright. Unless otherwise agreed by law, the benefit, reproduction, copy or the change of the content of the copyright underlie copyright. Exceptions must be made in writing from the website operator or Rights holders if approved. Individual copies are only permitted for private use, they may not be used either directly or indirectly for commercial purposes.